Saturday, November 20, 2010


Our Mountaineers are traveling to Gainsville Florida today to play the Gators in some football!!! As we all know, the Mountaineers traveled to Michigan 3 years ago to play there and we beat them by a stroke of luck, we're hoping for another upset today at 12:30. 

 Our Mountaineer Band of Distinction!
 Yosef the Mountaineers fires off the this shot gun before every game and after every Mountaineer Touchdown!
 Our new quarterback since Armanti was drafted by the Panthers last year.
 We are the Southern Conference Champions for the 6th year in a row!!
 Another picture of our quarterback, DeAndre.

Also, this week: I play on an Intramural Volleyball team and we won the championship for the all women's league! We were awarded this awesome new shirt and bragging rights for the year!

I hope everyone has a great week && Go Mountaineers!!!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The First Snow of the Season!

Well, As it started to 'snow' in Boone today for the first time since late April, it also decided that it did not want to stick (yet). So I wanted to take the time to post a few pictures from last year to bring back to wonderful memories. Especially since I'm really excited about the snow that is to be expect this year :) 

 This was on my way home actually. Just in time for the most snow Hendersonville has seen in 15 years!
 This is on campus, behind my old dorm room. So beautiful.

 This was a bench on campus last year during the 'Blizzard of '10'. They shut down campus for 3 days. Some places had over 3 feet while others had at least a foot. Hopefully, it will do this again! It's a lot of fun to 'steal' lunch room trays and use them as sleds throughout campus.

I hope everyone is having a great first week of November and I look forward to seeing you (or hearing from you) very soon!